United Reformed Church (URC) has launched a dedicated webpage exploring the legacies of slavery during Black History Month, which is in October.  This was partly in response to the Legacies of Slavery Project that Council for World Mission (CWM) had embarked on with its partner denominations about the ongoing impact of transatlantic slavery on Black communities around the world.

Issues of racial justice have come to the fore and stirred a heightened conviction in Black Lives Matter amongst people of all ethnicities and ages following the killing of George Floyd in the U.S. The lockdown seems to have created space to hear the many diverse voices challenging the status quo and calling for change.

Produced by URC’s Global and Intercultural Ministries (GIM) team and Legacies of Slavery (LoS) Task Group, this webpage provides a wide range of resources for continued reflection and conversation. It includes recommended films and books, YouTube clips, poetry and articles, and even a pre-recorded service which can be used for Black History Month in local churches, the text for a further service, topical hymns, Bible Studies and articles suitable for church magazines.

Visit: https://urc.org.uk/legacies-of-slavery.html

Additional materials will be added to this repository throughout October and beyond.