Isaiah 53:4 – 12

The Isaiah 53 text is normally treated and interpreted as a Messianic text by Christian exegetes and preachers alike. But that is how Christians have chosen to read the Old Testament text, as a forerunner or pretext to the New Testament.

Isaiah 53 brings out a clear picture of an oppressed society. At the same time, it exhibits a bold willingness to stand up against oppression. In this juxtaposition lies the hopes of the many lives that suffer in silence. Hopes from within the fieriness of brutal systems that held captive the freedom of many.

The Council for World Mission’s 2020-2029 strategic plan has as its overarching theme “Rising to Life with Jesus: Rising from within Babylon”. It is this rising from within Babylon one can see in Isaiah 53. The sufferers standing up against their oppressors. Although the text is dimmed with oppressive language, light is shone through the unyielding spirit of those who are ready to take on Babylon.

The message is clear. Never be silent in the light of oppression. Be the hope that encourages the resisting spirit of many a soul who cannot find the courage to rise above their down-pression. We who can raise a voice must speak up and cry out now. We need more than just heralding the news of deliverance and hope. We must become active and embodied participants of the message. Our solidarity must mean feeling people’s pain and wearing their suffering. Only when we do this will we find our defiance an encouragement for the many hopes waiting to surface above the oppressive tides.

There are many suffering servants around the world and in our own societies. They are not heard of and some may even go to the grave unrecognised. But recognition is not an agenda in their minds. All they want to do is to free the bodies and souls of fellow human beings who are held under chains by sinful systemic violence and greed.

Nikotemo Sopepa, Council for World Mission



Arise O you servants of the living God, and fight the battle till the victory is sounded in the realisation of the many hopes buried by Babylon. Amen.

Prayer Points

Nauru Congregational Church

NCC is continually praying for God’s intervention in CWM and its works.

NCC staff to live by God’s truth in executing their duties as faithful servants of church members.

CWM’s mission and vision of resisting the influences of Empire and not conforming to it.

Lastly, God has heard the cry of NCC for over a period of 10 years. We give thanks to God that the rebuilding of Anabar Church has finally been completed.

Image by NCC