Tenth Sunday after Pentecost

Scripture: Isaiah 5:1-7


The polarizing opposite of what the owner of the vineyard worked for and the result of his work is evidence of the reality of human life. Metaphorically referring to Israel as the vineyard, the prophet Isaiah narrows down on why Judah is suffering. As a matter of fact, it is the will of God that life abundant is experienced by Judah. God did not just will it, he also worked on fulfilling this goal.

A question is asked in verse four: “Now you dwellers of Jerusalem and people of Judah, judge between me and my vineyard. What more could have been done for my vineyard than I have done for it?” God clearly states that he works for the good of his people. I believe God continues to work for the good of all of the earth today, as it was from eternity past. But it seems that what God is doing is not enough to create an opportunity for wellness. There is always a problem.

Towards the end of the text we see that self-destruction is the ultimate result of disobedience. Disobedience comes in the form of not welcoming the strangers, greedy conscience that dwell on accumulating more and more, and caring less about the people. Each person for his or her own. A similar picture of what we now see in our world today. People care less about others than themselves.

We have a vineyard to care for. We have vines to prune and dress. Our pruning and dressing must go hand in hand with that of God, the owner of the vineyard. God is not just working on the earth – he is also working on our lives. Our lives and all that surrounds is supposed to produce the best of wine.

We work together with God. We are co-workers with God.

-Sepola Matusi, Ekalesia Kelisiano Tuvalu


Help us Lord to see the working of your hand in our lives, and also in creation as a whole. Invite us through the working of your Holy Spirit to partake in that work. We want to produce the best of life can offer to our neighbours and surroundings. But we need your help.

We pray for the world, suffering and in great need. May they also see your loving and merciful hands at work so that we, together with you, will establish your Kingdom in places where it has not been felt, seen, or heard. In Jesus name. Amen.