CWM Council made a decision in June 2016 to develop a programme which could bring together Team Visits and Face the Facts so that member churches can be assisted in reading the signs of their times and identifying a mission response.  Hearing God’s Cry offers a biblical and theological process for member churches which invites new mission thinking and practice that is rooted in reflection on the contexts the churches serve and the presence of God amongst and beyond us.  Through this process churches will explore and discern a reading of their own life and the life and context around them. It will explore what Empire looks like in their setting and identify who is speaking out for God’s vision of life in fullness.  This will then identify what God is crying out for and amongst whom.  This will help set a further mission agenda for the member church and the action needed to respond to God’s cry.  It will be led in partnership between the member church leadership and CWM Mission Secretaries for Mission Development and the relevant Region.  We will look to work with three to four churches in the first year and review after the first year of implementation.

For more information, please contact CWM’s Mission Development Team at:

Also, download the Hearing God’s Cry pamphlet for more details.