CWM is pleased to present the 2020-2029 strategy framework which maps the missional journey to be pursued. The framework develops and reshapes the partnership in  mission model that has guided CWM since 1977. Global Christian witness is changing; the voices of persons in risky and vulnerable places need to be heard. The framework is also informed by data provided by CWM’s diverse communities, which the SPG and its working groups used, as well as its own reading of the signs of the time. The resulting framework has clear missional perspectives. It also comments on governance, finance, location and communication. A theology statement – Rising to Life: Breaking out from Babylon, a faith stance on commitment to mission –Missio Confessionis, a financial mission framework – Theological and Missiological Commitments to Life-Flourishing Economy and Finance for All and the Legacies of Slavery project report and recommendations are accompanying resources.

The framework invites the CWM community to boldly confess its faith and allegiance “to the God of life” and to reaffirm its commitment to follow Jesus in radical discipleship. It seeks relationships with fellow pilgrims on the journey, to enable liberating and transforming witness to life-flourishing communities in the name of Jesus.

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