What does believing mean in the face of empire and militarisation? These essays articulate the critical and liberating consciousness shared by oppressed peoples across the world, arising from a faith in the God of the oppressed, expressed in radically diverse ways, and resisting the imperialist deities of materialism (read: economic growth), racism, and militarisation that falsely appear as the saviours of humanity.

The authors confront these false gods–which form the modern empire–worshiped by the most dominant militarised states in the world and followed by their allied states even in the midst of a worldwide pandemic. Out of the eleven articles, two are written by critical political analysts with an anti-colonial lens while recognizing the importance of faith in resistance. The rest are written by theologians who critically reflect on their faith within the context of empire and militarisation in their societies.

Militarisation is among the most brutal forms of oppression on the resisting peoples. The theologies that have emerged from critical reflections on their collective experiences are grounded on a material spirituality as opposed to materialistic, racist, and militaristic godlessness. This collection has emerged out of creative and transformative practices in Africa, Asia, Latin America, the Pacific, and the US. The essays are divided into four sections in recognizing some of the key features of material spirituality; indigenous, feminist and interreligious voices, and horizontal solidarity.

Here is what reviewers have to say:

“In the face of increasingly sophisticated militarisation and the neocolonial realities that go along with it, material spiritualities and new forms of solidarity have been emerging and are making a difference. This is good news not only for all those most affected, who embody the crucified and risen Christ at the same time, but for all of us who refuse to give up the conviction that another world is possible.”
-Joerg Rieger, Vanderbilt University, USA

“An important resource that analyses one of the biggest challenges and largest industries of our time, militarisation. The book offers critical faith perspectives and amplifies prophetic voices that transcend geographical, religious, racial, and cultural boundaries. It is a testimony to a culture of life in the face of war, death, and destruction.”

-Mitri Raheb, Dar al-Kalima University, Palestine

With contributions from: Michael Lujan Bevacqua Wati Longchar Nidia Arrobo Rodas Rasika Sharmen Pieris Lilian Cheelo Siwila Young-Bock Kim Dan Gonzales-Ortega Erin Shea Martin Mark Braverman Joshua Samuel Phil Miller

Please visit https://wipfandstock.com/9781725283992/faith-in-the-face-of-militarization/ for more information.